Fall/winter flavors are definitely my favourite flavors. Always I can't wait the time, when in the garden will appear pumpkins, blackberries, nuts or zucchini and a smeel of autumn baking, hot chocolate and apple tea with cinnamon will ambrace the whole house c:
klasyczne ciasteczka z czekoladą/classic biscuits with pieces of chocolate
laski cynamonu/cinnamon
herbata jabłkowa z cynamonem/apple tea with cinnamon
herbata i jabłka w leśnym otoczeniu/tea and apples in forest surrounding
pole dyniowe/pumpkin field
jesienne ciasto z jabłkami/apple pie
muffinki/ muffins
małe jabłuszka/small apples
ciasto dyniowe/ pumpkin pie
Est ce que t'aime bien le chocolat et la vanille ?